Foot Massage

Feet have kept on walking and largely ignored by modern man and woman. Most of us tend to notice them only when something goes wrong- a callus, a corn, aches, blisters, or bunions usually get attention, but not the feet themselves. The truth of the matter is feet can give more pleasure than many of the body’s more glamours zones. Almost every nerve ending in the body finishes up in each foot, tangled around a web of 38 muscles and 28 tiny bones. Therefore, feet are so strong but sensitive. If you massage them, you send waves of pleasure from toe to toe and can relax the entire body. A good foot massage can get rid of aches, help keep feet flexible, healthy, and happy, lighten your step and improve your mood.

Cost: LKR 2000 (30 mins) | LKR 3000 (45 mins) | LKR 4500 (60 mins)

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