MANGO – One of the main benefits of dried mango is its high vitamin C content. PINEAPPLE – Dried pineapple is a good source of calcium potassium, manganese fiber, as well as vitamins A, B, and C. PAPAYA – When it comes to nutrition papaya has a high level of vitamin C, soluble fiber B vitamins, zinc, calcium and iron. BABANA – It also provides magnesium, vitamin A, iron, phosphorus, and potassium in small quantities. these nutrients benefit your eyes and may prevent high blood pressure. STARFRUIT – prevents inflammation. The star fruit is a good source of vitamin C. Good for the Heart Fights Diabetes and High Cholesterol Better Digestion and Metabolism Healthy Hair and Skin Regulates weight.

NDH Lifestyle ā a holistic approach dedicated to make more informed choices when confronted with decisions that influence health & environment. NDH lifestyle begins with a therapeutic change to enjoy the benefits of natural ingredients & processes.